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Submitted by: Jonathan Logan
Conquering fear is one of the most common requests that somebody has when hiring a life coach. Fear can be a debilitating emotion that keeps us from experiencing the things that we want & living the life we want. There are a couple of important things to keep in mind when thinking about your fears and how you may go about conquering them.
First, it s important to realize that everyone has fears. It can be easy to feel isolated and alone when thinking about your fear. However, it s important to remember that there are other people who have the exact same fear as you, have conquered it, and now live a life that is free of that fear. This is the power of modeling. The most effective way to conquer a fear is to find some that has already conquered the same fear and learn what they did.
Additionally, everybody has some kind of fear, even if it isn t the same as yours. It is important that you accept that fear is normal for human beings. Whether it is a fear of heights or physical or whether it is an emotional fear, such as the fear of not being accepted or loved. A fear is a fear.
Another great way to dealing with fear is to see how you can re-frame your fear in a more positive light. The most common way to do this is to view your fear not as something that holds you back, but as an opportunity for growth. Having fears shows you where you can make large gains in your own life and mindset. Many successful people have used their fears as a guide for where they should focus their efforts. Find the fear, lean into it, and you will grow more than you can imagine.
Lastly, conquering fears for some people can be a process of baby steps in the right direction whilst in others it can be massive action with one giant change. You need to find the best approach for you however it is important that you do not play small. If you know you are capable of taking the big step and you settle for baby steps then this is not likely to serve you in your personal development. The important factors are guidance & preparation. Unless you are somehow very lucky, you re unlikely to flip a switch and suddenly no longer have a fear. There is a process involved in which you need to prepare fore and it can be accelerated with guidance. For example, if you have a fear of public speaking, the first step could be for you to get comfortable talking to small groups and then talk to much more larger groups as you progress however with preparation & guidance some people have the ability to go straight to a large group. A good coach can help you with the guidance & preparation to conquer any fear that you may have.
Conquering fears is one of the most important and life changing things that people can do. By remembering that everyone in the world has fears, by re-framing fears as an opportunity for growth, and whichever way you decide to conquer your fear, ensure that it has a meaning and connects with you as something that must be done.
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