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By Suzanne Hughes
Are you a health freak? Do you go for weekly and monthly checkups to your doctor? Do you ever get your eyes checked? If you don’t, this will help you understand how important eye exams are. Often the worst thing any family could oversee is the annual vision care. Mostly whatever we do daily is accomplished successfully thanks to our eyesight, so to keep them in full functioning order we need to frequent the eye care units.
One proven way of making sure you lead a life of good vision and healthy eyes is by visiting your eye doctor more often and going through all the exams and eye check ups. Visits to the optometrist or the ophthalmologist more often to get your eyes tested to see if you need spectacles or contact lenses. So what describes a good eye test? Here’s what you have to go through during a good all-inclusive eye examination:
— An examination of the retina to see if the back of your eye.
— A test to check your eye pressure.
— An examination of the front of your eye using a microscope.
Regular tests like these ensure an updated folder and allow your doctor to pinpoint and treat the disease in its earliest stages before it damages any tissue. Glaucoma and several eye diseases show no external symptoms in their primary stages. That’s why comprehensive eye tests are one good way of keep your eyes as healthy as possible.
Make sure you use your visual senses more often and hence get your prescriptions updated at regular intervals. Headaches that might annoy you and fatigue might be caused by slight alterations to your prescription. If you spend more time by the computer daily, you might develop a modern day problem which is known as the ‘computer vision syndrome’ which is equally harmful.
You want to know what eye diseases are commonly detected in humans? One of the deadly diseases is glaucoma. Glaucoma is an ophthalmologist’s worst nightmare! It is an eye disease that causes immense damage to the eyes and can often lead to loss of vision. Macular degeneration or development of cataracts is gradual processes and there are no symptoms so the person having it doesn’t realize anything not even that their vision has decreased. Diabetic patients may develop a condition known as diabetic retinopathy. Healthy vision can be maintained by keeping these diseases at bay.
Maintain a timetable of regular medical checkups and don’t forget to include the visit to the eye doctor. There’s nothing to be scared about! Eye tests are painless, well, at least most are. During an eye test, your eye-care practitioner will use a varied number of medical instruments to check your eye inside out, so that he’s sure he does an all round check including your eyelids, eyelashes, iris, lens, cornea, pupils, blood vessels, retina, optic nerve, conjunctiva and extra-ocular muscles.
The eye care specialist also checks your eyes for vision related diseases like cataracts, glaucoma and cornea related diseases. He is also supposed to check ocular disturbances that are associated with diseases to the system such as high blood pressure, neurological disorders and diabetes. If you need a lens by prescription, your doctor will evaluate by making you go through a refraction test.
Once you are done with these tests, if you have perfect vision, it is good news otherwise you need to take more care of your eyes.
About the Author: Suzanne Hughes is an eyewear style consultant specializing in
reading glasses online
. For more information about eyeglasses, vision, or great styles such as
Scojo reading glasses
, visit her online boutique.
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