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Submitted by: Sam Speers
“Groundhog Day” is a film with Bill Murray as a grumpy disillusioned reporter who gets stuck in the same day over and over again…until he begins to see that he can change the outcomes of his day by changing his actions. And gradually he lightens up and sees his life from a new perspective. That of a more caring person who listens rather than bruskly and arrogantly walks thru life, thinking the world owes him something……
It is a classic movie and often quoted by those changing habits. Because it feels like groundhog day…over and over. But eventually if you do like I di and stick to a change plan something changes!And that change for me was a face clear of the rosacea rash.
And all the good work comes to fruitition It is like going to the gym and finally you get to feel stronger and fitter. But as you know it takes effort and commitment.
Curing my rosacea has been like that for me
And in some sense will continue like that as I find those changes that were specifically for rosacea have impacted on all areas of my life
Because it may sound odd to you but rosacea has taught me many things about myself and as I am now free of the rash, I continue with all the things I learned to do to have this be for me a reality
The rosacea journey has been a very long and hard one. I have spent literally thousands of dollars on specialist doctors and medications and laser therapy, in fact on IPL alone I spent $5,000
I am sure everyone with this disease has been doing their own hard roads. But now that my skin is clear, it has metaphorically speaking cleared the way in my life to start to achieve some of my goals.
The rosacea rash I don t have any more. My skin is now clear. .
Up to this point I have wandered without much purpose as I felt the burden
of this rash. I was embarrassed by how I looked and never really wanted to partake of life and realise my potential.This is one of the less spoken of side effects of rosacea and I think because I am a young person I found constantly dealing with this facial disfigurement depressing
So from this beginning I wrote a book and that s why I call the book ROSACEA CURE I know a lot of people don’t like to say anything like that about rosacea
and it is a bold statement. But if I can get your attention and hold it long enough to tell you things I found out then that is worthwhile
The steps outlined and the information contained in the pages of my book will give you the power to make the changes needed for your body to cure your rosacea also.
I really want you and anyone with rosacea to have the confidence and freedom I now feel in my life.
Rosacea has always been known as a chronic skin disease.
Rosacea causes chronic redness and swelling on the face. By chronic I mean it can last for many years.
The areas that can be affected are the face neck back scalp ears chest and eye lids. Those afflicted with Rosacea may first notice a tendency to flush or blush easily, progressing to a persistent redness that has both bumps and pimples. Rosacea causes facial swelling that can easily be confused with other skin conditions.This is a physically painful condition. It s the psychological effects on the person suffering rosacea that cause the greatest pain. For some the rosacea causes them to avoid all social contact.
Roasacea affects an estimated 14 million people worldwide. It is more likely in adults over the age of 30. However rosacea can have an onset of any age and many young people in there twenties are rosacea sufferers.As I can attest.
Rosacea is often called a vascular disease when in fact it is a suppressed immune system condition which may come about from many different areas of your health.This was my big breakthrough when I discovered this. It turned around my thinking and gave me a wholeistic approach to my body.
When the immune system is suppressed a microscopic mite invisible to the eye can over populate the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
Mainly the mites live in harmony with their human hosts.
Most people have a tolerance for the mites except people who have a lowered immune system, and that was me, I had taken to many antibiotics, had to many parties, and eaten food that could only be described as junk.
These mites are not so well known by the public, they are microscopic
and live on the face and in the hair follicles of the body quite naturally for most people. It is only those of us who have a propencity to rosacea combined with factors that cause a rash to form when an overpopulation of mites occur and their natural lifecycle is interrupted
This interruption can be from immune system suppression.So the body does not have proper defenses to combat infection. I know this was the case for me and so I ceased all forms of anibiotics and concentrated on a good diet and went about changing my thinking around stress and how I was living my life.
Information is a very powerful tool
And you will find my research on this disease very thorough and useful.
It is a blueprint to change your life
I hope you will enjoy my book “Cure YourRosacea”
I wish you all the best on your journey
Sam Speers
About the Author: It is a blueprint to change your lifeI hope you will enjoy my book “Cure YourRosacea”
I wish you all the best on your journeySam Speers
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