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By Adriana Noton
Home care services are available to help individuals that are elderly, ill, recovering from surgery, or disabled. The purpose of them is to allow a person with special needs to stay in their home as long as possible. This avoids a person with special needs to be placed in a permanent nursing home style living arrangement.
They are often mistaken with Health Care Services. Although both types of care sometimes work hand in hand, there is a significant different between these two. Each has its own specific duties and purpose.
A Health Service is geared towards helping individuals recover medically from an illness or surgery. They employ only medical professionals such as licensed nurses, health aides, and therapists. These are also most often licensed by the State. The staff also help with any other service when needed.
A home service is geared towards the domestic duties for special needs individuals. They help with personal hygiene, homemaking responsibilities, cooking, and sometimes health care. Although it isn’t mainly focused on caring for the health of a patient, it does offer the service for those in need of such. The staff involved in caring for the sick are always licensed and state certified.
The personal caring part of a service means helping individuals bathe, wash and groom their hair, and help them dress. This is important as many individuals in need cannot bath or groom themselves. This is especially true for elderly individuals that have difficulty getting in and out of the bath. They also assist these individuals and allows them to otherwise lead a normal life in the comfort of their own house.
Homemaking is also a part of the service provided. Homemaking refers to the upkeep of individual’s house. If someone is in the program, more than likely doing everyday chores and yard work around the house is not possible. This where a staff member would step in and help with cleaning the house. This also includes someone doing yard work and maintaining the outside of the house. Another part of homemaking is doing laundry. The staff helps by washing and folding individual’s clothes and linens.
Cooking is also an important part of caring for people at their homes. Staff members can cook in the house of the individuals or deliver meals to them. Many individuals will not be able to cook for themselves anymore. They need the assistance of another and this is where the service comes into play. These businesses are often times covered by insurance or by government programs. Most of these agencies charge a fee for their work, while others are free. The free programs are often funded by donations.
It is important to know the difference between the two services. Health cares main focus is on individuals with medical needs, while home care services fill in all the other areas which are mostly domestic. It is important to know that they are available to all special needs individuals who wish to remain in the comfort of their own house.
About the Author: People who uses
home Health Care Toronto
services can have the freedom to live interdependently in their homes. Consult the experts with
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to find the health service packages you need.
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