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Kitchen Renovation ideas
Paul Mc Lauren
When you come to renovate your kitchen there are many things you can do to make it more impressive than it is currently. Like the bathroom, the kitchen is one of the rooms in our house that changes the fastest as it is reliant on technology which is constantly advancing. At the same time as a room that we use so often and in such a practical way, new innovations are constantly being devised to help make the kitchen an easier place to work and get things done.
So how can you employ these new innovations in order to make your kitchen into something more attractive, more practical to work in and more like the kind of kitchen you want to be in and that is something of a house of tomorrow. Well there are many ways to do this. First of all you might want to consider some of the new appliances available for kitchens that can make yours more effective and useful. For instance maybe you\’d like to use a food dispenser in your sink in order to chop up foods and prevent the sink from getting clogged. At the same time this will then allow you to quickly and easily poor your waste down the drain rather than having to worry about doing it over a chopping board then throwing it away. You might also want to consider some of the options for your more mundane fittings – for instance your kitchen cabinets, countertops and flooring. The countertops and flooring for instance you may choose to make out of some kind of expensive stone – this could be marble, granite or anything else that will be more resilient and better looking than carpet or laminate flooring. Similarly for your cabinets you might want to choose bigger ones, or more attractive ones, or features such as soft closing mechanisms to prevent slamming. On top of these changes you will then need to think about how it\’s all going to fit together and what you want your actual layout to be like. Your cabinets and countertops will define where you work in the kitchen and how much space you have for preparation, so think logically about how to maximize your use of what\’s available. There are various common formations for countertops that many people use. For example you might choose to use the \’L\’ shape design which sees cabinets on two adjacent walls – one set down the length and one set down the width. This saves you a lot of space to move around in and it gives you the corner of the L where you can work and reach countertops on either side of you and in front. These kinds of \’work zones\’ are great for improving productivity. Other layouts for your kitchen include the \’U\’ shape layout, the corridor and the island. The best option for you will depend on the size and shape of the room you are working with, as well as permanent fittings like radiators and stop taps – but remember you can always create more space by knocking down walls or removing these things if you want to make your renovation more complete.
I really enjoyed our last
kitchen renovation
. I think what made it easier was creating a few good
kitchen designs
first, so we had options for the tradies.
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